To Use Photos from this web site:

   All photographic images not otherwise attributed are Copyright 1995-2004, by David L. Green, and may not be duplicated without permission. Many are watermarked to discourage theft.
   (IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do not ask to use photos from The Pollination Home Page or the Kids' Good Bug Page that are contributed by others. If the copyright owner is listed as other than David L. Green, I cannot give permission for their use under any circumstances. Please contact the copyright owner for further info.)

A. For commercial use: contact the Webmaster.

B.  For NON-profit, educational use, permission is granted for up to three images under the following contiditions:
      1.  Picture must include the following notice with it: "Copyright (year), by David L. Green, used with permission"
      2.  A link must be established to The Pollination Home Page, if it is in web form, or the link must be printed.
      3.  A notice must be sent of its use to the Webmaster, including the internet address, or a copy, if in printed form.

SPECIAL NOTICE: A few images are provided courtesy of other copyright owners. These are always denoted by the copyright notice under the image. We cannot give permission for ANY use of these images. Please contact the copyright owner for their policies on usage.

For further details contact the Webmaster.
